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  • MassPoint Legal and Strategy Advisory PLLC

Islamic Banking, Finance and Philanthropy Legal and Advisory Services

Hdeel Abdelhady has advised banks and other parties on purely Islamic transactions and conforming conventional banking and finance products to Islamic standards, particularly in the trade finance setting. Hdeel has also collaborated with and advised multilateral development banks and other multilateral organizations on Islamic banking regulation and the deployment of Islamic transactional structures and instruments (e.g., Islamic trusts/awqaf) in service of philanthropic and sustainable development goals. Hdeel’s approach to and interest in Islamic banking, finance and philanthropy matters goes beyond form; Hdeel is interested in and has advised on Shari’ah-based governance in investment/transactional and industry contexts, both in wholly Islamic and dual (i.e., conventional and Islamic) settings.

In 2010, Hdeel proposed a multilateral food security waqf (Islamic trust) as an ethical/socially responsible investment framework to advance food security in the Middle East, and presented the topic at the Eighth International Islamic Economics and Finance Conference in Doha, Qatar. She later published a paper on the same topic in the American University Washington College of Law’s Sustainable Development Law and Policy Journal. Hdeel has published on other Islamic Banking and Finance topics, and her publications can be viewed here. Hdeel also teaches a course in Transactional Islamic Law at her alma mater, The George Washington University Law School in Washington, D.C.

MassPoint’s services in the Islamic Banking, Finance and Philanthropy area cover:

  • Family and public interest/sustainable trusts (awqaf) and the use of more common contemporary transactional forms (e.g., murabaha, ijarah) and composite structures for charitable, development or other public interests.
  • Drafting Islamic documentation suites and advising on transactions.
  • Advising investors and other parties on Islamic transactional structures and governance matters in pre-transaction/due diligence, transaction and dispute settings.

To learn more or inquire about specific needs, please contact Hdeel Abdelhady at

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