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Critical Resources

Critical Resources

Critical Resources Law and Risk Management: Minerals, Agriculture, Water Critical minerals, rare earth elements, agriculture, and water are essential for life, and for modern life. Managing the reliable and timely…

After Cobalt Heist, Review Minerals Transit, Storage And Insurance Practices

After Cobalt Heist, Review Minerals Transit, Storage and Insurance Practices

At this point, one or few reported new incidents of cobalt (or other critical minerals) thefts/security risks are insufficient to make any reasonable predictions as to what action would be reasonable. However, news of such incidents should be closely monitored by suppliers/exporters, buyers/importers, finance intermediaries, and logistics services providers. Related storage, transit and insurance practices and terms should be noted for review if and when circumstances appear to warrant such action.
China Restricts Rare Earths Exports

China Restricts Rare Earths Exports

China Restricts Exports of Rare Earths Processing Tech Author: Hdeel Abdelhady Once again, China appears to take a page from the U.S. export controls playbook amidst the ongoing U.S.-China tech…

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