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Global Magnitsky Sanctions- FAQs

The Global Magnitsky Sanctions target corruption and serious human rights abuse worldwide, without need for a U.S. jurisdictional nexus. MassPoint’s Global Magnitsky FAQs answers frequently asked questions about the Global Magnitsky Sanctions program (GloMag).

FinCEN Expands AML Real Estate GTOs

On August 22, 2017, the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) issued revised Geographic Targeting Orders (GTOs) designed to combat money laundering and related financial crimes in select U.S. residential real estate markets. The GTOs further expand the scope of GTOs issued in January 2016, expanded in July 2016, and renewed in February 2017. In tandem with the August GTOs, FinCEN issued an Advisory to Financial Institutions and Real Estate Firms and Professionals (the “Advisory”) and FAQs.

CFTC Corruption Crackdown Consistent With Trump Strategy, Says Hdeel Abdelhady

Ms. Abdelhady addressed how the CFTC’s current investigation of Glencore and its broader anti-corruption plans might fit with the Trump Administration’s wider anti-corruption strategy targeting the extractives industry globally, as well as the how the CFTC, which lacks direct FCPA enforcement authority, might take a page from the NYDFS’ playbook and indirectly enforce an anti-corruption agenda under the Commodities Exchange Act.

Anti-Corruption Enforcement is Globalized

As anti-corruption standards and enforcement practices become more uniform, cooperation among enforcement authorities will increase in frequency and effectiveness. In the FCPA enforcement context and in others, authorities have imposed record-setting fines, and likely will continue to do so with greater frequency, particularly where violations are egregious, widespread, or have broad impact. In such an environment, monetary penalties for avoidable violations may no longer be absorbable as the cost of doing business. As a matter of good business practice, companies of all sizes should take steps to strengthen compliance programs appropriately for their industries, organizational structures, home obligations, and the jurisdictions in which they do business.

Trump’s Africa Strategy Targets Corruption. Extractives, and Chinese Presence

The Trump Administration’s newly released Africa Strategy is likely to bring greater anti-corruption enforcement, particularly against Chinese state-owned and private firms, as well as against African officials, and African and third country private parties. Extractives industries, particularly involving nonfuel minerals like cobalt, are likely to be of particular interest.

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